4 a.m. Token Economy
For strangers not meant to be seen in sobriety or tipped sharply under harvest quakes we have longed to be broken mirrors, with a shy stern sky, to each other...
Sidle Memories of Ashpearl Insiders
Spoken like a tar-bull morning like somebody laughing too tired to move out on its own too forspent to accept the matrimony together I have issued the aftereffect of all...
God’s Sequential Birthday
God does not stray for long. She visits me in my vortex of unreasonable diminishing sense of self. I just assume not see Her. She can be intimidating, always there...
When She Leaves April Without a Care
seasons of unexpected change and settling cement when traditional namespaces exchange ties delta rhythms in the clax horn borrowing control flooding of April birds rising with natural straits with the...
Alterpiece Coins in Loving Doubt and Regret
Fiscal grand dances like troubadours in concession An allotment of persuasion like guilt for the grand design Home and alacrity belts on personage and fealty coins Dedicated to their Maker...
Freya Arde’s Cool River
Where the moon windows stop the pearls of contained catastrophes eclipse like borrowed phrases and stolen rhymes that even Paul Simon could not manifest disjointed within the heart of solace...
Flightless Lieutenants
Show me the deciphered marsh layer the grocery barbed wire tenses alacrity trembling this close to the remote action Minnesota laymen and priests demur over infatuated milk and graceless presence...
Silence and the Speaker, part II
While I am not at liberty to share the confines That led me to this half-true need for a confession I can say that charges in the address of emotional...
The Silence and the Speaker
I am the watched and the watcher There is something missing in my machinery I am so preoccupied watching and being watched That I cannot see that it is only...
The Book of the Second Servant
There are trees washing the alleys They have no perspective to know they are alleys There are no boys to taunt this servant Or placid driftways across the alley from...